News from the Pews 11

At a recent Clergy Conference, the Rt. Rev’d. Stephen Cottrell, Bishop of Chelmsford, Archbishop-designate of York spoke to us about vocation.  He observed that Jesus was, at times, the most ‘unavailable’ person in scripture; slipping away to mountains and wilderness to connect with God and leaving behind him villages of people who had drawn close to hear his words.  He wondered if we did the same – made time for God in our daily and weekly routines and I must admit that I would be very quick to

promote the concept but also quick to get bogged down in administration and other things.  In short, if we are not continuously refreshed by God, then how can we speak out or live out Christ in our lives?!  I know what I am going to focus on in particular this Lenten time – the establishing of a more deliberate routine with the Almighty (the concept of which excites me no end). We are fortunate with the changing seasons within the church year to be reminded of these pockets of time in which to review and adjust the endless habits of our lives.  What do you think you might take up or put down for Lent this year? Worth a thought…

I was delighted to be invited to the Church of Ireland Centre, DCU All Hallows Campus to the launch of a new book of prayers for primary school assemblies.  The book was launched by the President of DCU on 6 February.  A prayer from Powerscourt National school has been included in the book.

This book is an original compilation of new prayers, mostly written by pupils and teachers in the Church of Ireland primary schools and is designed to provide prayers for primary school assemblies as pupils and teachers mark the pattern of seasons and events in the school year. The project was coordinated by, and the book edited by, Jacqui Wilkinson, Church of Ireland Centre, DCU.


PEACE – Learning to Sit with God

  • Written and lead by Rev. Cathy Hallissey
  • Thursdays 5TH, 12TH, 19TH and 26th March
  • Powerscourt Parochial Hall from 8:15.

Graveyard Clean-Up!

Following the storms of Winter and storms to come this weekend, We would be most grateful for your help to tidy the graveyard on Saturday 15th February at 10am. 

Please come and join our team of willing volunteers (and bring a rake or brush!) Many thanks!

This Sunday:


We are very excited that this Sunday marks the beginning of our new style family service.  With guest musicians and a group of enthusiastic singers, we promise to raise the rafters in this service of Joy designed particularly for young people.  Our friend Copperpot will be learning about ‘Superhero’s’.

If you would like to join the singers, we will be meeting in the church at 10.00am on Sunday 9th before the service.


We will be launching the new website very soon.  Please watch this space. 



In a different move to previously announced we will celebrate the confirmation of the Powerscourt Candidates after the service on Sunday 1st March during which the candidates will have received their first holy Eucharist.  Tray bakes and cakes are very welcome for this celebration.


We will co-host with the Kiltiernan Candidates a trip with picnic to Glendalough in late Spring/ early Summer.  The date will be announced shortly.


FEB service Lector 1 Lector 2 Lector 3
2   Holy Communion with Mustard Seeds Barbara Molloy Barney Austen Rev. Cathy
9   Family Service Lara Wall Amelia Pullen Rev. Cathy
16   Holy Communion with Mustard Seeds Joyce Roe Matthew Manning Rev. Cathy
23   Morning Prayer Judy Cameron Lachlan Cameron John Davis


It is that time of year again as we prepare for the Easter General Vestry Meeting by updating our Register of Vestry Members. 

Being a member of General Vestry for this parish gives you a voice and the right to nominate / vote (or to be nominated or elected) at Easter General Vestry meeting, in the election of Select Vestry members.

An alphabetised list of registered General Vestry members is held in the churches. If you are not sure whether you are already registered, please contact Judy Cameron on 01 2860122 and this can be checked for you.

If you wish to be added please fill the Form of Declaration available from the Parish Office or in the Churches.

Forms may be returned to Churchwardens or Select Vestry secretary (Barbara Davis).

If you are in the register and wish to be removed (e.g. if you are moving away and / or you wish to be added to the register in another parish) please submit your request for removal in writing to the Select Vestry Secretary or the Parish Secretary 


  • Powerscourt Monday 27th April at 8pm in Powerscourt NS
  • Kilbride TBC.


  • Powerscourt Tuesday 3rd March at 8pm in Powerscourt NS
  • Kilbride TBC.


A number of fund-raisers are proposed for this year including a Table Quiz in the Powerscourt Arms Hotel (date to be confirmed).   A very generous prize of €200 for the winning team has been kindly donated.   Watch this space!! We are also going to hold our very successful “Strawberries & Cream” event – date also to be confirmed.

Congratulations in advance to all the confirmation candidates including Adam Johnston from this Parish.

Thank you to those who have donated towards the “flower fund”.   There will be no flowers in the chancel during Lent but rest assured we will have flowers everywhere for Easter!!

Thank you to all the parishioners who take part in the lesson reading rota throughout the year.  If you are not involved in this and would like to be please talk to Georgina. 

We continue to remember in our prayers those who are sick at home or in Hospital at this time. 

  Submitted by Georgina Masterson


We are appealing for new members please to come along and join the small number playing on Monday nights in the Parochial Hall from 8p.m. 

CHARABANC NOTES contact Marjorie Mold on 2083499.

We had great fun playing Bingo last week and as usual the prizes were very interesting, and we were delighted to have James with us, welcome James.

We were very sorry that Rose was not with us and hope you are back again soon Rose; we also miss Sheila and Anna and wish you both well.  Hopefully you will all be feeling sprightly enough to come along when we have the big birthday lunch in March.   We are of course in the hall each Friday afternoon from 2. 30 until 4. 30 and love to see anyone who is free to come and join us for tea and a chat, do come in.

Submitted by Marjorie Mold

PASTORAL CARE contact Joyce Roe 2862645 or Marjorie Mold 2863499.

We keep in our thoughts those who are ill at the moment and send our best wishes to you all.    We send our deep sympathy to Anne Whelan and her family on the loss of Michael.

Hopefully as the days lighten so will your hearts.

 Submitted by Marjorie Mold


This years’ service will take place in:

St Patrick’s Church, Curtlestown on Friday 6th March at 7.30 pm


Please let us know if you would like a Parish visit by contacting Rev. Cathy on 086 3583104 or Mandy in the parish office on 2863862.

FLOWER GUILD contact Marjorie Mold 2863499

Our church flowers in February will be by Mrs. Cameron on 9th and 16th and by Mrs. Mold on 23rd and 1st March.   

We are open for orders for wedding flowers and also the red carpet, and are more than happy to prepare memorial flowers for any Sundays   If you would like to prepare them yourself or if you would like us to do so,    just give us a call any time

Submitted by Marjorie Mold

ENTERTAINMENTS COMMITTEE contact Joyce Roe 2862645

Don’t forget to book your seat for the Saturday Dinner to be held on 29th February at 8 pm in the hall.    The entertainment will be wonderful   and the food great as always.  Our bookings are coming in very quickly so hurry up and call Joyce or Marjorie.  We can only take about 60 and we are nearly there.  The cost is still only €20 each so is great value. 

Submitted by Marjorie Mold

Enniskerry Gardening Club:  Visit to Kilmacurragh

On Saturday 22nd February a group of us are meeting at 2.30 pm in Kilmacurragh, Kilbride, co. Wicklow to view the Spring Bulbs especially the blue crocuses in the Wildflower Meadow. As many of you will know, there are lots of other plants of interest there.

Directions: Going south on the N11 take exit 18 and the Garden is well signposted. There is also a very nice Café there.

For those of you who have not yet collected your programme for the year, on Wed. 4th March we will have a talk on Medicinal plants in your garden, on Wed. 1st April Oliver Schurmann will talk on summer planting and on the 1st July June and Willy Roe will host a social evening and plant sale in their garden. Please keep this in mind when you are splitting up, propagating or potting up plants so that we have a nice variety of plants on offer. More details will follow closer to the time.

The first meeting of the year is tomorrow night in the Bray PLC (behind Christchurch) at 8p.m.  – we are having a “fun night” including a “beetle drive”.   Many thanks to the ladies and gentlemen in the Bray Branch for making us so welcome.  Anyone interested in joining the MU should get in touch with Georgina on 087 6716745.

Bray, Powerscourt and Kilbride Mothers’ Union 2020 ProgrammeTheme- Building Hope and Confidence

February 6th Thursday Holy Communion in Christchurch Cathedral

February 10th Monday Fun evening in the PLC

March 9th Monday Rev Baden and Bethany talk about their trip to Israel

March 22nd Sunday Mothering Sunday Service

April 20th Monday Talk about climate change and bees

May 11th Monday Domestic violence how can we be supportive?

June 13th Saturday Outing

September 14th Monday Opening service Holy Communion in Kilbride Church

October 12th Monday Habitat for humanity, Powerscourt Parochial Hall

November 9th Monday Shoeboxes for Darndale, Powerscourt Parochial Hall

December 6th Sunday Meal in Old Conna Golf Club

Mother’s’ Union prayer

Loving Lord,

We thank you for your love so freely given to us all. We pray for families around the world.

Bless the work of the Mothers’ Union as we seek to share your love through the

encouragement, strengthening and support of marriage and family life.

Empowered by your Spirit, may we be united in prayer and worship, and in love and

service reach out as your hands across the world.

In Jesus’ name.



Contact Joyce Roe 2862645 or Marjorie Mold 087 6472668.

Those on list for the coming weeks as follows:

Sunday 9th February 2020 Tim & Gay Weldon
Sunday 16th February 2020 Naomi Gillespie
Sunday 23rd February 2020 Johnnie and Sadie Honnor
Sunday 1st March 2020 Wenda White with Friend
Sunday 8th March 2020 Gillian and Douglas Gleasure
Sunday 15th March 2020 Althea Chandler with Marjorie Mold
Sunday 29th March 2020 Elizabeth Mahon and Dorothy O’Rourke

Should you not be available on any of your days please call Marjorie or Joyce.


Our next News from the Pews will be issued on February 28th, 2020.

We would welcome news or articles on events or stories you may have and wish to share with the community.  If you would like to be included in this Newsletter please contact Mandy Berkeley, School and Parish Secretary, at (01) 2863862.


Sunday 10.00 am
1st Sunday of the Month Holy Communion One
2nd Sunday of the Month Family Service
3rd Sunday of the Month Holy Communion One
4th Sunday of the Month Morning Prayer Two
5th Sunday of the Month Service of the Word


Thurs  Morning Eucharist
10:00am Holy Communion and Prayer for the Sick   
8:30am 11.30 am
1st Sunday of the Month Holy Communion Two
2nd Sunday of the Month Family Service
3rd Sunday of the Month Holy Communion Two
4th Sunday of the Month Morning Prayer
5th Sunday of the Month Service of the Word
  Parochial Hall Organisations – Bookings Marjory Dalton 086 160 1721
Monday Brownies 5.45 – 7.00 Betty Prender 087 6860260
  Table Tennis 8.00 – 10.00 Joyce Roe 086 8191209
Tuesday Zumba Gold 09.30 – 10.30 Susan O’Brien 087 2449875
  Zumba 09.30 – 10.30 Susan O’Brien 087 2449875
  Bridge Club 7.30 – 10.30 Vonny Kelly 086 7956355
Wednesday League of Health 10.00 – 12.00 Carol MacNeaney 01 2824463
  Lego Club 2.30 – 4.30 Karl Quinn 089 2544784
  Gardening Club 8.00 – 10.00 Ethni Seymour 086 8092211
  Tai Chi (2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Wednesday) 7.30 – 9.00 David Marshall 087 2072792
Thursday Parents & Tots 09.30 – 11.00 Carol Bird 01 2767807
  Entertainments Committee 8.00 – 9.30 Joyce Roe 086 8191209
  Yoga 7.00 – 8.15 Mel 086 2210567
Friday Charabanc 2.30 – 4.30 Marjorie Mold 01 2863499
Saturday Irish Dancing 10.15 – 12.15 Breeda Finnerty 087 4198988
  Sunday Local Crafts 10.00 – 6.00 Ray Cranley 086 0779514

News from the Pews 4

I watched with utter fascination as the chainsaw cut cleanly into the stump of an old    by the vestry door.  On first encounter the stump bore several clean angular cuts, squares of wood removed and bore no resemblance to its final self.  Over the next two days, a steady stream of people watched Richie Clarke carve the smooth body of a Salmon held in the palm of a hand.  It emerged from the angular cuts within hours. How this was achieved by using the awkward and heavy chainsaw was nothing short of a miracle in itself. 

Mr. Richie Clarke

Rain lashed and Richie spent a considerable time in his van, but in the dripping woodland of quieter moments, he chizzled the finishing touches to his masterpiece, its wood reddened by the rain.  We were completely moved by the presence and skill of his creativity and no better time than harvest for this to happen, with our churches filled with colour and design – the gifts and skills of so many who give their ‘first crop’ of talent for the benefit of others and the glory of God.

‘The Return’

Our thanks to Neil Condron from the Schoolhouse of Art in the village who has given us this carving as a gift!  Our thanks to Richie for leaving us with ‘The Return’ a constant reminder of the cycle of life in these passing Seasons.  Thanks too to those who have decorated our churches and taken part in our Harvest Celebrations in both churches

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those families and friends who have been effected by the incident in Enniskerry Village last weekend.  May the joy of such a fine achievement in sport begin to emerge from the shock and may God’s hand of healing and peace be known in every household.

Many thanks to the Ladies of the Flower Guild who have decorated our churches so beautifully and taken part in our Harvest Celebrations in both churches          .

Remembering Sunday

Remembering Sunday takes place on the Sunday 3rd November.  During the service we will be having a candle lighting ceremony to remember those known to us who have died.  If you would like the name of a loved one read out at the service, please write the name in the book at the back of the church.

Our Thanks

We extend immense gratitude to Mr. Harry Williams and the committee of the Enniskerry Horse Show and Mr. John Prosser of the Golf Classic for the most generous donation to the parish.  Both events were a great success and reflect the deep sense of community and support in Enniskerry and surrounding areas.


Fr. Bernard will celebrate 11am Mass on this Sunday next 20th October in honour of the young men hurt in the accident in the village after the Football Final on Saturday evening last, October 12th.

Mass will be offered for their intentions and those of their families.  All members of GAA club and their families are invited to attend.

Refreshments will be served afterwards in St. Mary’s & St. Gerard’s N.S.


 Thanks to all who attended our celebration of Harvest in a concert in the company of the Stedfast Band.  Our thanks in particular to Mandy Berkeley, William Micklem, Susan Forsythe and Stephen Crowther who read the various pieces of poetry and prose so beautifully.

Our thanks to Joyce Roe and Marjorie Mold and all those who contributed tray bakes following the concert.  We look forward to building upon these concerts throughout the coming year.


We are most grateful to David Koning who gave of his time and expertise in lead a group of 30 people around the grounds of the old Goulding Estate on Sunday last.  David donated the money raised by this tour to St. Patrick’s Church. 

Keeping the Church Open 2019
Our 12 ” summer wardens ” of the Church have done a good job again. They have kept the church open for some part of each week since June. Some have been weekly caretakers, others biweekly, for two and a half hours at a time, just as their circumstances allow. Music has been provided on occasions with cornet and organ; books, videos and crystal gifts have been on sale. The visitors have asked questions, sometimes talked for an hour, or a few minutes, or said prayers. One wished to have the difference between Catholic and Protestant explained (that gave the warden some hard work!) Another demanded to know why we had no candles. Most were kind and appreciative, as the Visitors Book attests.
Few visitors have arrived at the time for the prayer Readings (12 noon and 5pm) but once we had a trio of singing Ba’hais, and once a woman put her head round the door during a stern reading of Jeremiah, paused as if horrified, and fled!
Personally, I find reading the daily prayers and bible readings to none but the listening angels a strangely peaceful and comfortable pursuit., and am more than ever convinced how valuable it is to keep the church open. There may not be daily crowds, but the few who walk in are always made welcome and seem to appreciate not only the building but what it stands for.
Many thanks to : Connor , Alan, Derek, Johnnie, Jon, Abigail, Marjorie, Helen , Judy, Lachlan, Jonathan and Richard.


Saturday 14th September 2019 was a fine sunny day – very suitable weather and perfect conditions for over 100 pilgrims who walked 30km on the ’Glendalough Camino’ along St Kevin’s Way to the shores of the Upper Lake at Glendalough. 

Helen Beardsley O’Toole, organist in St Patrick’s and her sister Yvonne Beardsley joined the hike.

Definitely one for the diary next year!                                           

Sent from Helen O’Toole (nee Beardsley)


Welcome to our new term of Mustard Seeds Sunday School. Our first class was held during Holy Communion service on 6th October where the children made “leaves” for our Thanksgiving tree, which has been put on display during Family Service.

Our next class will be at 11.30 in the school hall on Sunday 20th October and we hope that all will be able to join us.

Please note that registration is always open and all children from Junior Infants age to Confirmation are welcome, class will be held 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month

Beth, David & Edwina

CHARABANC NOTES contact Marjorie Mold on 2083499.

We wish Eileen a very happy birthday on 21st and look forward to some more birthdays in the coming weeks.  We plan to have one big birthday lunch in early November, when each will be invited to bring a friend.

 While we are all looking forward to this, we will raise a glass to our lovely Lily whose birthday falls this month too.   We will have a bingo afternoon in the next week or so too, so we have plenty to enjoy.  If you feel like coming along and joining the fun, we will be delighted to see you on any Friday from 2. 30 till 4. 30

FLOWER GUILD contact Marjorie Mold (01) 2863499

The season of mists and mellow fruitfulness was upon us again.

We enjoyed preparing the church for the harvest.  Thank you ladies.

We wish to also say a huge thank you John Williams who brought the lovely veg to swell the harvest offerings.   The veg was delivered on Monday to the 5 loaves homeless centre in Bray where it was welcomed with open arms.  The non-perishable goods brought by the children goes to the women’s refuge  centre where it is put to very good use too.

Flowers in church in the next weeks will be by Mrs. Mold and memorial on 27th by Mrs. Comisky.

If anyone would like to join the Sunday flower group, please get in touch with Marjorie.

SUNDAY COFFEE LIST contact Joyce Roe 2862645 or Marjorie Mold 2863499

It was nice to have so many people on Friday evening and on Sunday after the harvest services.   Thank you to all who helped us.

Coffee duty next two weeks will by for Georgina Murphy and Emma McEvoy  

Thank you, ladies.

Sunday October 20th Holy Communion 2 Georgina Murphy
Sunday October 27th Bible Sunday Emma McEvoy
Sunday November 3rd All Souls Service of Remembering Marjorie Mold
Sunday November 10th Remembrance Sunday Rebecca Martin

POWERSCOURT MUSIC contact Helen 086 8179632

What a wonderful weekend of Harvest Festival music – Stedfast Brass Band led us in a concert of popular Harvest hymns with poetry and prose on Friday 11th October and on Sunday 13th Sunday we lifted our voices and sang Come Ye Thankful People Come, All things Bright and Beautiful, We thank you God our Father, and we finished our Harvest service with the very popular We Plough the Fields and Scatter. 

Come and join our choir for a Sunday or a Season – practice is at 10.45 am every Sunday. 

Sent from Helen O’Toole (nee Beardsley)

PASTORAL CARE contact Joyce Roe 2862645 or Marjorie Mold 2863499

We think of those young people who were injured in the accident in the village following their football outing and keep them in our prayers.  Also to all who are ill at the moment.


Thank you to the junior members of the Parish who have expressed their interest.  We will be in touch shortly with those interested to discuss the next stage.


We would welcome other voices to lead our prayers in both churches on the first Sunday of each month.  Please step forward to assist in this valuable ministry.

New readers are always welcome to participate in our services.  For further information please contact the Parish Office. 


We are delighted to announce a Fashion Show to be held in Fishers of Newtown Mountkennedy on Thursday 14th Novemver at 7:30pm.  Please join us for an evening of good food and fashion, not to mention some familiar models! All proceeds go towards the upkeep of St. Brigid’s Church, Kilbride. For further information, please contact Mandy at Powerscourt National School (01)2863862 or Georgina Masterson (087 6716745)


We would welcome news or articles on events or stories you may have and wish to share with the community.  If you would like to be included in this Newsletter please contact Mandy Berkeley, School and Parish Secretary,

at (01) 2863862

News from the Pews 5

As the evenings draw in and we are ablaze with colour, this is a good time of the year to take stock and remember.  Our Week of Remembering began last Sunday 3rd October with a Service of Remembering in both churches. It is an opportunity to give thanks for the lives we have known and to pray for those who, at this time, are suffering from loss and grief. The importance of providing time and space for this loss to be spoken out in story, or even in the silence with only ourselves and God, is acutely apparent at this time.  We are reminded of the many occasions in the Gospels where Jesus ‘holds open space’ for people to tell of their loss or trauma.  

Just think of the two disciples fleeing from Jerusalem, following the traumatic death of their Messiah, encountering a stranger on the road who doesn’t appear to know that has happened.  Their journey to Emmaus in the presence of an unrecognisable Christ is a process of realisation of the events that have happened and the beginning of some form of healing for them.  Isn’t it a very human reaction to want to fill the silence with words of comfort and reassurance when we are in the presence of someone who is upset?! Yet the best gift we can provide for another person is a safe place and silence in which their story can be heard. After all, the words ‘Listen’ and ’Silence’ are comprised of the same letters. It is this ‘holding space in silence’ that we are taught during Chaplaincy training and it is, at first, a most difficult thing to hold.  Yet, given the right circumstances, it can be most cathartic.  The concept of ‘stiff upper lip’, where courageous, seldom succeeds in healing, but the words that we use to express our thoughts can often release deep hurt. It is my prayer for all who are grieving or suffering loss of any kind at this time that God grants them grace to speak out their story and a quiet listening ear and a safe place in which to do so. (Picture: The Road to Emmaus by Liz Lemon Swindle)

DIOCESAN SYNOD 2019 The synod took place this year in Taney parish centre. For the seasoned layperson it is always a good opportunity to meet people from other parishes; a once-a-year connection. And for new synods persons, it is an education on how the Diocese works. There is a recognised procedure for the day. A book of reports is sent to the synod member in advance, which is meant to be skimmed/ read (but often isn’t!) beforehand. After a service in the church, the members meet to go through the reports from the various Diocesan committees, and hear representatives speak about them. There is an astonishing amount of work going on in the diocese which congregations rarely hear about; a huge variety of concerns and enterprises.

There are reports on schooling, ministries to children, to young adults, to undergraduates, on coffee mornings for lonely PhD students, to hospital patients, care of the elderly, housing action, interfaith dialogue, healing; to say nothing of the need for proper cover for Rectors’ maternity leave (once an unheard-of requirement!) The Diocesan Council for mission gave us a break by asking a panel of five to describe some of the initiatives in their parishes which conform to the Come &C project. This discipleship project was begun in 2014 to highlight the 5 Marks of Mission: to Tell, to Teach, to Tend, to Transform, to Treasure. Two of the panel were Rev Bob Clemens talking about Kilternan’s new parish centre, and our own Rev Cathy describing her take on Bible Stories with the help of Little Mouse. Tend and Transform; Tell and Teach, respectively.

There was a brief window of relaxation for food (very nice) and then back to work in break out groups to discuss four areas of Diocesan concern. The Church and other Faiths, the Church and the Environment, Social Justice and Young People. My group was Young People, and lively discussion followed on the all too familiar problems of appealing to youngsters, while galvanising volunteer leaders, and squeezing the time for anything into the busy weeks. Two things I remember from this: the possibility of running church groups as part of after school care, and the advice that you should never take a bible anywhere near a youth club.

Following an overview of the new publication which justifies and analyses this five-year project, we were finally released into the outside world at 10 pm, exhilarated perhaps, and certainly exhausted.

Submitted by Judy Cameron


The Parish missionary sale will be taking place this Saturday the 9th November in the Parochial Hall from 11 am – 2 pm.  There will be several stalls including Toys, Plants, Books, Cakes and Jams, Bric-a-Brack and a raffle. 

Please come along and support the Parish.

CHARABANC NOTES contact Marjorie Mold on 2083499.

We are now well into our winter gear and still enjoy our weekly tea parties.  and are delighted to welcome Mr Leckie to our happy gang

We will hold our birthday lunch on Friday 22nd November when each can bring in a friend.

We wish Sheila and Anna well as we miss them at the table each week.     Do come along and join us any time you feel like a cup of tea and a chat on Fridays from 2,30 till 4,30 the door is always open, and the tea pot is always full.

FLOWER GUILD contact Marjorie Mold (01) 2863499

Now that the harvest is over, we will look forward to the Christmas festivities

Our church arrangements for first two weeks of November will reflect the POPPY APPEAL and will be by Mrs. Mold then Mrs Sutton on 17th an 24th November

If anyone would like to have memorial flowers in church on any Sunday please contact Marjorie, we can arrange them for you, or you may of course prepare them yourself

Memorial flowers in the coming weeks will be by Mrs Ross on 1st Dec and Mrs Bass on 8th

We are also still open for bookings for wedding flowers and will be delighted to hear from any couples planning to marry in the coming year.  Our prices are very competitive, and we can also supply the red carpet for the occasion. As all our work is voluntary and we supply our own greenery.  all profits we make are then saved to use for parish projects, so all is put to a very good use to enhance the church and grounds.

SUNDAY COFFEE LIST contact Joyce Roe 2862645 or Marjorie Mold 2863499.

Coffee duty next two weeks will by for Rebecca Martin and Ruth-Anne and Chris Chambers.  Thank you.  

Sunday November 10th Remembrance Sunday Rebecca Martin
Sunday 17th November Holy Communion Ruth-Anne and Chris Chambers

PASTORAL CARE contact Joyce Roe 2862645 or Marjorie Mold 2863499

We send our sympathies to the Tower family on their loss, at this sad time

We will hold our Sunday lunch in the parochial hall on Sunday 24th November when we will welcome any of those who would like some company for a friendly lunch and chat

These lunches are aimed at those who would otherwise be alone on Sundays and are a chance to meet up with friends. We aim to keep the numbers to about 26/28 or so to keep it on a personal level..   We will phone around in the next week or so.   but if your name is not on our list and you would like to join us, do please contact Joyce or Marjorie

Ray has very kindly agreed to run his crafts slot on Saturday 23rd November instead of his usual time on Sunday to enable us to hold the Sunday Lunch on the 24th.


Our 11 confirmation candidates from Powerscourt and Kilbride will be participating in our weekly services.  We look forward to welcoming and supporting them through this journey of faith.  We ask that you remember them in your prayers.


We would welcome other voices to lead our prayers in both churches on the first Sunday of each month.  Please step forward to assist in this valuable ministry.

New readers are always welcome to participate in our services.  For further information please contact the Parish Office. 


We would welcome news or articles on events or stories you may have and wish to share with the community.  If you would like to be included in this Newsletter please contact Mandy Berkeley, School and Parish Secretary,

at (01) 2863862

News from the Pews 6

It is quite remarkable how quickly this year has passed, and Christmas is now upon us.  We look forward to the quiet reflective time of Advent where we ‘watch and wait’ for the coming of God’s light into the world as we remember the nativity.  This year, we are attempting to begin a new tradition in the village, in the form of an Ecumenical walk from St. Mary’s Church through the village and up to Powerscourt Church.  We will accompany Mary and Joseph and their donkey past Inns which will close their doors on the Holy Family until they safely rest in a live crib at St. Patrick’s Powerscourt.  This event is part of an afternoon Christmas Fair which takes place in Powerscourt N.S. (to allow for unpredictable weather conditions).  We invite all those who may have crafts, cakes or anything that might be sold, to come forward and contact the school regarding a stall at this event. 

As mentioned, Advent is a reflective time and I am pleased to invite you all to attend three Wednesday Evenings in December (4th, 11th, 18th) simply called ‘Peace – Learning to Sit with God’.  This quiet time will encourage those who attend to sit quietly with a piece of read Scripture, recognising God’s presence as they step out of the busy preparations for Christmas.  Further details on the ‘Peace’ will follow shortly.


There will be a sizzle service this Sunday the 24th at 5.30 in St. Patricks Church.  Sausages will be served after the service.  All are welcome to this family friendly service.


Many thanks to everyone who was going to support the supper dance this year which unfortunately had to be cancelled.  The supper dances had been run for over thirty years and our thanks to everyone who supported them down through the years.  

The fashion show in Fishers on the 14th November was a wonderful night.  Many thanks to the models – Cathy & Ed Hallissey, Patricia Armstong, Jenna Rothwell, Ruth Gyves, Joyce Roe, Georgina Masterson, Rory Connaughton, Ricky Rountree and Stephen Middleton.  Thanks to everyone for their support and to anyone who provided a raffle prize.   

A belated thank you to everyone who provided flowers, fruit and vegetables for the decoration of the church for Harvest Thanksgiving in October.  A special word of thanks to Breda Lilburn who came along to help with the flower arranging.  

Kilbride carol service will be on Sunday 15th December at 10a.m.   The church will be decorated and given a “Spring clean” 

for the Christmas festival on Saturday 21st December at 10a.m. 

The next meeting of Kilbride Vestry will be on the 29th January 2020 at 8p.m. in the Parish Room.

Submitted by Georgina Masterson

CHARABANC NOTES contact Marjorie Mold on 2083499.

We are looking forward to having all our usual friends at the birthday lunch on Friday next, and hope to see about 34 on the last count.

We will close on December 13th for the Christmas break and on our last Friday we hope to have Jackey and her singers to join us for Carols, they have been coming to us each Christmas since our first year and we all look forward to it and will have our friends from Kilmac to join us to make it a bit more fun.    We will return to the hall on Jan 11th if it is not snowed up.

Submitted by Marjorie Mold

FLOWER GUILD contact Marjorie Mold (01) 2863499

Memorial Flowers in December will by Mrs. Ross on 1st and by Mrs. Bass on 8th

If anyone would like to have memorial flowers on any Sunday, we will be delighted to hear from you.

We are also still open for bookings for wedding flowers and will be delighted to hear from any couples planning to marry in the coming year.  Our prices are very competitive, and we can also supply the red carpet for the occasion. As all our work is voluntary and we supply our own greenery.  all profits we make are then saved to use for parish projects, so all is put to a very good use to enhance the church and grounds.

Submitted by Marjorie Mold

The children made and presented a beautiful wreath of poppies for Remembrance Sunday during November, now on display at the front of the Church.

Our next class, and last for 2019, will be on Sunday 1st December – please note we will meet in Church at 11.25 as we will be reading the prayer and lighting the first Advent candle before we leave the service to go over to the School Hall where we will be making some Christmas decorations.

Please note that registration is always open and all children from Junior Infants age to Confirmation are welcome, class will be held 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.

Beth, David & Edwina

SUNDAY COFFEE LIST contact Joyce Roe 2862645 or Marjorie Mold 2863499.

Coffee duty next two weeks will by for Wenda White and Victoria and Keith Mckee.  Thank you.  

Sunday November 24th Morning Prayer and Baptism   Wenda White
Sunday December 1st   Holy Communion Victoria and Keith McKee

PASTORAL CARE contact Joyce Roe 2862645 or Marjorie Mold 2863499

We will hold our lunch in the hall on Sunday 24th and look forward to seeing you all there.

                                                                Submitted by Marjorie Mold


We are delighted to welcome 11 candidates who step forward for Confirmation this year.  The confirmation will take place in St. Patrick’s Church, Powerscourt on Saturday 22nd February next (time to be confirmed).  As part of the course of preparation for Confirmation, the Candidates will be participating in our church services each Sunday.  I know they would appreciate your support and encourage over the next two months.

TAI CHI in the Parochial Hall

David Marshall will be starting a Tai Chi Class in the Parochial Hall on Wednesdays at 7.30 – 9.00 p.m. in the Parochial Hall.  David will hold the class each 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Wednesday of every month.


The Parting Glass will be hosting its annual Wine tasting event in the Parochial Hall on 7th December starting at 8 p.m, tickets €15.  For further details drop into the shop or call 01 2767876.


Niamh Murray, Soprano and the Enniskerry Concert Choir.

Musical Director; Gloria Smith

Accompanist; Charles Pearson



7pm in St Mary’s Church, Enniskerry

Concerts in aid of Sr Agnes’ Centre for Music and the Arts Crumlin

And St Mary’s Parish, Enniskerry

TICKETS € 20, including mulled wine and mince pies.

Tickets available in the village from The Parting Glass and The Village Store or contact 0873190595

Parochial Hall Organisations

Parochial Hall Organisations – Bookings Marjory Dalton 086 160 1721
Monday Brownies 5.45 – 7.00 Betty Prender 087 6860260
  Table Tennis 8.00 – 10.00 Joyce Roe 086 8191209
Tuesday Zumba Gold 09.30 – 10.30 Susan O’Brien 087 2449875
  Zumba 09.30 – 10.30 Susan O’Brien 087 2449875
  Bridge Club 7.30 – 10.30 Vonny Kelly 086 7956355
Wednesday League of Health 10.00 – 12.00 Carol MacNeaney 01 2824463
  Lego Club 2.30 – 4.30 Karl Quinn 089 2544784
  Gardening Club 8.00 – 10.00 Ethni Seymour 086 8092211
  Tai Chi (2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Wednesday) 7.30 – 9.00 David Marshall 087 2072792
Thursday Parents & Tots 09.30 – 11.00 Carol Bird 01 2767807
  Entertainments Committee 8.00 – 9.30 Joyce Roe 086 8191209
  Yoga 7.00 – 8.15 Mel 086 2210567
Friday Charabanc 2.30 – 4.30 Marjorie Mold 01 2863499
Saturday Irish Dancing 10.15 – 12.15 Breeda Finnerty 087 4198988
Sunday Local Crafts 10.00 – 6.00 Ray Cranley 086 0779514


We would welcome news or articles on events or stories you may have and wish to share with the community.  If you would like to be included in this Newsletter please contact Mandy Berkeley, School and Parish Secretary,

at (01) 2863862

News from the Pews 7

‘You can do what you like with them’ said Stephen Middleton (Innkeeper 1), adjusting his tea-towel headdress, ‘but they’re not coming in here!’ 

His comments were directed at an equally biblically-clad Johnny Honner (aka Innkeeper 2) who was explaining that the young lady in his company was heavily pregnant and in need of a bed for the night.  They stood in the doorway to the Enniskerry Inn, dazzlingly lit by the lights of the RTE Nationwide Cameraman.  It was an extraordinarily unique moment during our walk through the village with the Holy Family on Saturday last.  We had congregated at the doors of St. Mary’s church and from 4:30pm onward, as the light diminished the crowds built; people joined our procession around the corner and down towards the obelisk to find three wise men bathed in orange light, fully confused by the appearance of a bright star. 

Indeed they did walk in an Easterly direction, crowds and cameras, microphones and Innkeepers, up the hill towards St. Patrick’s church and a stable equipped with hay, a manager, a pony and sheep.  It was an idea that gained momentum and had been embraced by the school, parishes and wider community.  It was a glimpse of church outside its own walls and I couldn’t help but wonder what the impact of this simple procession might have been on those who may not have held a faith or denomination. 

It was visible unity and a recreation of the most wonderful story we Christians have to tell.

In the school the stalls buzzed with life and again a sense of unity and warmth of welcome was immediately apparent.  Stall holder came from far and wide and provided a huge range of gifts and crafts.  This was definitely something we should repeat. Thank you sincerely members of the PTT of the school, members of our Parish and St. Mary’s Parish and both schools for embracing the Follow the Star Christmas Festival.

CHARABANC NOTES contact Marjorie Mold on 2083499.

We really enjoyed seeing everyone and friends at our birthday lunch on 22nd November, where 32 of us joined in the celebration for our bunch of birthdays.  It was lovely to see everyone enjoying themselves.   We now look forward to seeing you all again on our last day before Christmas on 13th December, when we will be joined by our friends from Kilmac to help us singing our carols with Jacky and her singers and of course Judy who comes and plays for us. The choir and Judy have been starting our Christmas each year since we started 21 years ago.  Sadly, many of those who were with us then are no longer here but are never forgotten.

We will resume our Friday tea parties on Jan 12th, weather permitting.  Do have a great Christmas and keep safe till we meet again, never forgetting if anyone wants a chat or a little help during the break,  all you need to do is  lift the phone to Anne or Marjorie  any time.                                            Submitted by Marjorie Mold

FLOWER GUILD contact Marjorie Mold (01) 2863499

We will decorate the church on Saturday morning 21st for Christmas so if anyone has berried holly etc we will be very grateful.   if you can bring it to the church before 10am or leave it in on Friday evening. Sunday Flowers in church will be memorial from Mrs. Bass on 8th and by Mrs. Mold on 15th. Submitted by Marjorie Mold

SUNDAY COFFEE LIST contact Joyce Roe 2862645 or Marjorie Mold 2863499.

Coffee After Church, contact Marjorie Mold 087 647 2668 or Joyce Roe 2862645

Coffee on Sundays in the next few weeks will, be by Keith and Vicky McKee on 8th and Mrs. Mahon with Mrs O’Rourke on 15th.  The new list I’ll be out in January.  If anyone is not available to do Sundays or if you would be prepared to be included on the list   could you let Marjorie or Joyce know as soon as possible. it usually mans about 2 Sundays in a year.  Also, if you could pass your mobile number to Marjorie it makes it easier to just text you during the week before your due date.

PASTORAL CARE contact Joyce Roe 2862645 or Marjorie Mold 2863499.

We enjoyed the Sunday lunch with 28 friends on 24th November, it was good to see so many people enjoying a get together over a meal.   It is always great to hear the buzz of conversation in the hall. 

We will do another of these Sunday lunches in the spring , when we all recover from Christmas  We will let you know nearer the date .

We think of all those who are unwell at the present time and keep you in our prayers.                                                                         

Submitted by Marjorie Mold.


Niamh Murray, Soprano and the Enniskerry Concert Choir.

Musical Director; Gloria Smith

Accompanist; Charles Pearson



7pm in St Mary’s Church, Enniskerry

Concerts in aid of Sr Agnes’ Centre for Music and the Arts Crumlin

And St Mary’s Parish, Enniskerry

TICKETS € 20, including mulled wine and mince pies.

Tickets available in the village from The Parting Glass and The Village Store or contact 0873190595

Parochial Hall Organisations

Parochial Hall Organisations – Bookings Marjory Dalton 086 160 1721
Monday Brownies 5.45 – 7.00 Betty Prender 087 6860260
  Table Tennis 8.00 – 10.00 Joyce Roe 086 8191209
Tuesday Zumba Gold 09.30 – 10.30 Susan O’Brien 087 2449875
  Zumba 09.30 – 10.30 Susan O’Brien 087 2449875
  Bridge Club 7.30 – 10.30 Vonny Kelly 086 7956355
Wednesday League of Health 10.00 – 12.00 Carol MacNeaney 01 2824463
  Lego Club 2.30 – 4.30 Karl Quinn 089 2544784
  Gardening Club 8.00 – 10.00 Ethni Seymour 086 8092211
  Tai Chi (2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Wednesday) 7.30 – 9.00 David Marshall 087 2072792
Thursday Parents & Tots 09.30 – 11.00 Carol Bird 01 2767807
  Entertainments Committee 8.00 – 9.30 Joyce Roe 086 8191209
  Yoga 7.00 – 8.15 Mel 086 2210567
Friday Charabanc 2.30 – 4.30 Marjorie Mold 01 2863499
Saturday Irish Dancing 10.15 – 12.15 Breeda Finnerty 087 4198988
Sunday Local Crafts 10.00 – 6.00 Ray Cranley 086 0779514


We would welcome news or articles on events or stories you may have and wish to share with the community.  If you would like to be included in this Newsletter please contact Mandy Berkeley, School and Parish Secretary, at (01) 2863862.