Powerscourt National School is a Church of Ireland parish school which seeks to provide a climate in which students find encouragement to develop spiritual and moral values, personal and social skills and the highest standards of excellence of which they are capable in all aspects of their school activities.
The Patron of Powerscourt N.S. is the Archbishop of Dublin and Glendalough The Most Revd. Dr. Michael Jackson.
Pupils and staff shall not be discriminated against in relation to gender, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability or race. All children will have access to all areas of the curriculum, facilities, resources or extra curricular activities providing this does not have a seriously detrimental effect on the education provision to the other children.
Powerscourt National School is a co-educational school which welcomes pupils of all religious denominations, preference being given to members of the Church of Ireland and other Protestant Churches and first preference being given to Church of Ireland children within the parish boundaries of Powerscourt and Kilbride.
The school recognises the complimentary role of
parents and teachers in education, in pursuing the common aim of educating the
children according to Christian principles.
Parents are asked to consider this statement of ethos
carefully before enrolling their child in the school.
Enrolment implies acceptance of the aims and ethos of the
school and a willingness to co-operate with staff and management in all matters
relating to their child.
Mr. Stephen Middleton is the Principal of the school.
If you are seeking more information on the school, please contact the School website http://powerscourtns.ie/ or, alternatively contact the Parish secretary who is also the School secretary Mandy Berkeley on 012863862. The School / Parish office is open Monday – Friday from 8:30 – 12:15pm in Powerscourt N.S. so you could always pop in!