Note from Rev. Cathy
My Father always loved this time of year when an extra tiny stretch of extended light is visible every evening ‘the size of the stretch of a cockerel’s foot’ he would say. Each new year and new light allowed him to be out in his garden ever longer each evening, pottering about in the dusk. For Dad, God was outside and, in the turn, and scent of the soil and the propagation of new shoots and bulbs. For him, the ‘Cockerel’s foot’ stretch of light every day spoke of warmer, longer days to come and was filled with the same resilient hope that my Father possessed. As a result, I welcome the Cockerel’s Foot Stretch every year and remind my family of this, so that they too can glance upward with full appreciation of the hope that light brings. After all, we are children of the light.
In this new Season of Epiphany, the same light of Christ we celebrated during some of the darkest days in December is now celebrated in the light of understanding and recognition that the child in Bethlehem was the long-promised Messiah and God in human form. This, of course, was not a once-off event but is a continuous revelation of Christ as ever-present in our lives. As an exercise for the Season of the Epiphany, I decided to look at the moments in my life (the ‘epiphanies’) that revealed God’s presence right here and right now. What were or are the moments in your life where you have seen God in others or in circumstances or events? Are you able to find him in both the joys and the sorrows in equal measure? What are the happenings to which your heart was clear in its response that there is far more to this than we can see or understand?
As the light continues to grow, I wish you and those you love an ever-increasing Epiphany of the presence of Christ in your life, through all and ever-changing circumstances.
Happy New Year Everyone! May God bless you and bring you great joy, peace and health in 2020.
Updating of the Register of Vestry Members
It is that time of year again as we prepare for the Easter General Vestry Meeting by updating our Register of Vestry Members.
Being a member of General Vestry for this parish gives you a voice and the right to nominate / vote (or to be nominated or elected) at Easter General Vestry meeting, in the election of Select Vestry members.
An alphabetised list of registered General Vestry members is held in the churches. If you are not sure whether you are already registered, please contact Judy Cameron on 01 2860122 and this can be checked for you.
If you wish to be added please fill the Form of Declaration available from the Parish Office or in the Churches.
Forms may be returned to Churchwardens or Select Vestry secretary (Barbara Davis).
If you are in the register and wish to be removed (e.g. if you are moving away and / or you wish to be added to the register in another parish) please submit your request for removal in writing to the Select Vestry Secretary or the Parish Secretary
- Powerscourt Tuesday 14th January at 8pm in Powerscourt NS
- Kilbride Wednesday 29th January at 8pm in the Parish Room
The ICA New Year lunch takes place this Saturday, the 11th January at 3.00 pm in Powerscourt Parochial Hall. Full two course lunch, as well as tea, coffee, drinks, treats, free raffle, music and entertainment. We look forward to seeing you
Please thank everyone who helped decorate Kilbride Church for the Christmas festival and to those people who donated flowers etc. Thank you to Rory for making the “candles” that brightened up the windows for the period of Advent. They looked very authentic in the evenings!
Thank you to everyone who came along to our Carol Service on the 15th December – in particular the choir members from Powerscourt and thanks to everyone who participated especially the lesson readers.
A big “well done” to Cathy on her first Christmas in the parish.
The next meeting of Kilbride Select Vestry is on Wednesday, 29th January at 8p.m. in the Parish Room.
A number of parishioners were sick or in Hospital over the Christmas period – they are in our thoughts and prayers.
Wishing everyone who reads “News from the Pews” a very happy and healthy 2020!!
Submitted by Georgina Masterson
Christmas – What a joyous season of music! The choir and extra singers who joined us for the season, sang their hearts out at our beautiful Candlelight Carol Service, Midnight Eucharist, and at the packed Family Service on Christmas Day.
A huge thank you to you all!
Regular choir practice restarts next Sunday 12th January at 10.45 sharp. If you enjoyed singing in the congregation during the last few weeks – would you consider joining us? We need singers in all sections of the choir. We are a very friendly bunch and would welcome you with open arms! Phone Helen 086 8179632.
Submitted by Helen BeardsleyO’Toole
SUNDAY COFFEE LIST contact Joyce Roe 2862645 or Marjorie Mold 087 6472668.
Sunday 12th January 2020 Elizabeth Manhon & Dorothy O’Rourke
Sunday 19th January 2020 Allison Patton
Sunday 26th January 2020 Joyce Berkeley
Sunday 2nd February 2020 Sheila Shelby
Should you not be available on any of your days please call Marjorie or Joyce.
CHARABANC NOTES contact Marjorie Mold on 2083499.
We are back in the hall for our usual tea parties on 10th and weather permitting we will get into our stride for the coming season. We usually have a rather fluid arrangement at this time of the year as the weather often disrupts our plans . However if any one feels like coming along on any Friday afternoon do feel welcome (unless it is icy or snowing) we would love to see you whenever you have an free Friday afternoon.
We wish everyone a very happy and healthy new year. just remember to keep warm and don’t forget if you feel like a chat and can’t get out, you can just call either Ann at 2862330 or Marjorie at 2863499 any time.
Submitted by Marjorie Mold
FLOWER GUILD contact Marjorie Mold 2863499
We enjoyed preparing the church for the Christmas season and thank everyone who contributed Greens and who came in to help on the morning. The church did look lovely for the carol singing night with the candles showing the church at its best.
Flowers in church in January will be by Mrs. Mold and Mrs. Cameron on February 9th and 16th
As we are about to set out the list for the coming year, could anyone who would like to come on the Sunday arranging list please call Marjorie a.s.a.p. We would welcome some new faces. Also, if you would like memorial flowers on any Sunday do please call and we can either arrange them for you of if you would like you may of course arrange them yourself. it usually takes about 3 or 4 bunches plus greenery.
We are still open for bookings for wedding flowers, so if you have those plans, give us a call either for the flowers and or the carpet, both of which are great value and every cent of our profit goes to the fund for enhancing the church and grounds.
Submitted by Marjorie Mold
ENTERTAINMENTS COMMITTEE contact Joyce Roe 2862645
We are now preparing for the February Dinner so do keep the date free FEB 15th. We are planning a really exciting evening for you so do book early, as we fill up very quickly we have seats for 60ish and we will keep the cost at €20 for another year so it is still fantastic value.
PASTORAL CARE contact Joyce Roe 2862645 or Marjorie Mold 2863499.
We send our best wishes to everyone for a healthy and happy new year, while keeping those who are unwell in our thoughts.
Please let us know if you would like a Parish visit by contacting Rev. Cathy on 086 3583104 or Mandy in the parish office on 2863862.
Our branch is amalgamating with Bray – members are planning to attend the AGM on Monday night in Carol Reynolds House.
For further information please contact Georgina on 087 6716745. New members are always welcome.
Submitted by Georgina Masterson
It is a great pleasure to be working with our group of confirmation candidates for this year. The Confirmation will take place in St. Patrick’s Church, Powerscourt on Saturday 22nd February next and you will notice our candidates at the church services and around the parish in the weeks to follow.
As part of the development of this group, we wanted them to take part in outreach programmes in order to see the ministry of Christ in action in our own lives. We are delighted to announce that one such project of outreach took place after the Carols by Candlelight Service before Christmas where the candidates provided tray-bakes in aid of Five Loaves charity. Thank you to all who supported them and to the candidates themselves.
The Confirmation date is very early for us this year and is almost upon us! Please remember these young people in your prayers and engage with them on Sundays as they are wonderful representatives of the future of church!
Table Tennis takes place in the Parochial Hall on Monday nights at 8p.m. – new members would be very welcome.
Our next News from the Pews will be issued on January 24th, 2020.
We would welcome news or articles on events or stories you may have and wish to share with the community. If you would like to be included in this Newsletter please contact Mandy Berkeley, School and Parish Secretary, at (01) 2863862.