I watched with utter fascination as the chainsaw cut cleanly into the stump of an old by the vestry door. On first encounter the stump bore several clean angular cuts, squares of wood removed and bore no resemblance to its final self. Over the next two days, a steady stream of people watched Richie Clarke carve the smooth body of a Salmon held in the palm of a hand. It emerged from the angular cuts within hours. How this was achieved by using the awkward and heavy chainsaw was nothing short of a miracle in itself.
Rain lashed and Richie spent a considerable time in his van, but in the dripping woodland of quieter moments, he chizzled the finishing touches to his masterpiece, its wood reddened by the rain. We were completely moved by the presence and skill of his creativity and no better time than harvest for this to happen, with our churches filled with colour and design – the gifts and skills of so many who give their ‘first crop’ of talent for the benefit of others and the glory of God.
Our thanks to Neil Condron from the Schoolhouse of Art in the village who has given us this carving as a gift! Our thanks to Richie for leaving us with ‘The Return’ a constant reminder of the cycle of life in these passing Seasons. Thanks too to those who have decorated our churches and taken part in our Harvest Celebrations in both churches
Our thoughts and prayers are with all those families and friends who have been effected by the incident in Enniskerry Village last weekend. May the joy of such a fine achievement in sport begin to emerge from the shock and may God’s hand of healing and peace be known in every household.
Many thanks to the Ladies of the Flower Guild who have decorated our churches so beautifully and taken part in our Harvest Celebrations in both churches .
Remembering Sunday takes place on the Sunday 3rd November. During the service we will be having a candle lighting ceremony to remember those known to us who have died. If you would like the name of a loved one read out at the service, please write the name in the book at the back of the church.
Our Thanks
We extend immense gratitude to Mr. Harry Williams and the committee of the Enniskerry Horse Show and Mr. John Prosser of the Golf Classic for the most generous donation to the parish. Both events were a great success and reflect the deep sense of community and support in Enniskerry and surrounding areas.
Fr. Bernard will celebrate 11am Mass on this Sunday next 20th October in honour of the young men hurt in the accident in the village after the Football Final on Saturday evening last, October 12th.
Mass will be offered for their intentions and those of their families. All members of GAA club and their families are invited to attend.
Refreshments will be served afterwards in St. Mary’s & St. Gerard’s N.S.
Thanks to all who attended our celebration of Harvest in a concert in the company of the Stedfast Band. Our thanks in particular to Mandy Berkeley, William Micklem, Susan Forsythe and Stephen Crowther who read the various pieces of poetry and prose so beautifully.
Our thanks to Joyce Roe and Marjorie Mold and all those who contributed tray bakes following the concert. We look forward to building upon these concerts throughout the coming year.
We are most grateful to David Koning who gave of his time and expertise in lead a group of 30 people around the grounds of the old Goulding Estate on Sunday last. David donated the money raised by this tour to St. Patrick’s Church.
Keeping the Church Open 2019
Our 12 ” summer wardens ” of the Church have done a good job again. They have kept the church open for some part of each week since June. Some have been weekly caretakers, others biweekly, for two and a half hours at a time, just as their circumstances allow. Music has been provided on occasions with cornet and organ; books, videos and crystal gifts have been on sale. The visitors have asked questions, sometimes talked for an hour, or a few minutes, or said prayers. One wished to have the difference between Catholic and Protestant explained (that gave the warden some hard work!) Another demanded to know why we had no candles. Most were kind and appreciative, as the Visitors Book attests.
Few visitors have arrived at the time for the prayer Readings (12 noon and 5pm) but once we had a trio of singing Ba’hais, and once a woman put her head round the door during a stern reading of Jeremiah, paused as if horrified, and fled!
Personally, I find reading the daily prayers and bible readings to none but the listening angels a strangely peaceful and comfortable pursuit., and am more than ever convinced how valuable it is to keep the church open. There may not be daily crowds, but the few who walk in are always made welcome and seem to appreciate not only the building but what it stands for.
Many thanks to : Connor , Alan, Derek, Johnnie, Jon, Abigail, Marjorie, Helen , Judy, Lachlan, Jonathan and Richard.
Saturday 14th September 2019 was a fine sunny day – very suitable weather and perfect conditions for over 100 pilgrims who walked 30km on the ’Glendalough Camino’ along St Kevin’s Way to the shores of the Upper Lake at Glendalough.
Helen Beardsley O’Toole, organist in St Patrick’s and her sister Yvonne Beardsley joined the hike.
Definitely one for the diary next year!
Sent from Helen O’Toole (nee Beardsley)
Welcome to our new term of Mustard Seeds Sunday School. Our first class was held during Holy Communion service on 6th October where the children made “leaves” for our Thanksgiving tree, which has been put on display during Family Service.
Our next class will be at 11.30 in the school hall on Sunday 20th October and we hope that all will be able to join us.
Please note that registration is always open and all children from Junior Infants age to Confirmation are welcome, class will be held 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month
Beth, David & Edwina
Marjorie Mold on 2083499.
We wish Eileen a very happy birthday on 21st and look forward to some more birthdays in the coming weeks. We plan to have one big birthday lunch in early November, when each will be invited to bring a friend.
While we are all looking forward to this, we will raise a glass to our lovely Lily whose birthday falls this month too. We will have a bingo afternoon in the next week or so too, so we have plenty to enjoy. If you feel like coming along and joining the fun, we will be delighted to see you on any Friday from 2. 30 till 4. 30
FLOWER GUILD contact Marjorie Mold (01) 2863499
The season of mists and mellow fruitfulness was upon us again.
We enjoyed preparing the church for the harvest. Thank you ladies.
We wish to also say a huge thank you John Williams who brought the lovely veg to swell the harvest offerings. The veg was delivered on Monday to the 5 loaves homeless centre in Bray where it was welcomed with open arms. The non-perishable goods brought by the children goes to the women’s refuge centre where it is put to very good use too.
Flowers in church in the next weeks will be by Mrs. Mold and memorial on 27th by Mrs. Comisky.
If anyone would like to join the Sunday flower group, please get in touch with Marjorie.
SUNDAY COFFEE LIST contact Joyce Roe 2862645 or Marjorie Mold 2863499
It was nice to have so many people on Friday evening and on Sunday after the harvest services. Thank you to all who helped us.
Coffee duty next two weeks will by for Georgina Murphy and Emma McEvoy
Thank you, ladies.
Sunday October 20th | Holy Communion 2 | Georgina Murphy |
Sunday October 27th | Bible Sunday | Emma McEvoy |
Sunday November 3rd | All Souls Service of Remembering | Marjorie Mold |
Sunday November 10th | Remembrance Sunday | Rebecca Martin |
POWERSCOURT MUSIC contact Helen 086 8179632
What a wonderful weekend of Harvest Festival music – Stedfast Brass Band led us in a concert of popular Harvest hymns with poetry and prose on Friday 11th October and on Sunday 13th Sunday we lifted our voices and sang Come Ye Thankful People Come, All things Bright and Beautiful, We thank you God our Father, and we finished our Harvest service with the very popular We Plough the Fields and Scatter.
Come and join our choir for a Sunday or a Season – practice is at 10.45 am every Sunday.
Sent from Helen O’Toole (nee Beardsley)
PASTORAL CARE contact Joyce Roe 2862645 or Marjorie Mold 2863499
We think of those young people who were injured in the accident in the village following their football outing and keep them in our prayers. Also to all who are ill at the moment.
Thank you to the junior members of the Parish who have expressed their interest. We will be in touch shortly with those interested to discuss the next stage.
We would welcome other voices to lead our prayers in both churches on the first Sunday of each month. Please step forward to assist in this valuable ministry.
New readers are always welcome to participate in our services. For further information please contact the Parish Office.
We are delighted to announce a Fashion Show to be held in Fishers of Newtown Mountkennedy on Thursday 14th Novemver at 7:30pm. Please join us for an evening of good food and fashion, not to mention some familiar models! All proceeds go towards the upkeep of St. Brigid’s Church, Kilbride. For further information, please contact Mandy at Powerscourt National School (01)2863862 or Georgina Masterson (087 6716745)
We would welcome news or articles on events or stories you may have and wish to share with the community. If you would like to be included in this Newsletter please contact Mandy Berkeley, School and Parish Secretary,
at (01) 2863862