News from the Pews 8

From the very beginning of Jesus’ ministry, his focus on the need for community was apparent in how he dismantled borders and drew people from the fringes of society into a new understanding of the love and acceptance of a God who was far greater than we sometimes give him credit for. Christ’s command to come together in remembrance of him and in his name, lives on in the acts of community in this place and I thank you all, because never in my life have I been so acutely aware that Church is far wider than our beautiful buildings and liturgies.  It is in the neatly set flowers beside the communion table; the quiet unmentioned cleaning of gutters; it’s in the cooking for groups and showing up Sunday after Sunday to set out hymnals; the creativity of stalls and costumes to re-tell a story; and yes, the sparkling laneways and voices raised in carol singing.  And this is only the tip of the iceberg! Here is a clear view of church in action within the lives of individuals and groups of people. Here too, the clear witness of depth of tradition and community in these wide-open spaces and an exciting glimpse of the future of church both inside and outside its walls. 

On behalf of my family, I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and peaceful, healthy and joyous New Year.  Thank you again for the support given and friendships built over these past 8 months. We look forward to sharing the future with you!

God bless you all and keep you safe in his love.  Amen.


(Painting by Liz Lemon Swindle)

Please join us for this beautiful traditional service.  Mince Pies, Tea and Coffee will be served in the School after. 

The Confirmation Group will also be hosting a Cake Sale in aid of W.H. Five Loaves, Homeless Charity, Bray.


The Parish would like to ask for donations of presents for children in the parish and community.  Please wrap presents in plain wrapping paper and mark if it is for a boy or girl and age group.  Bring the gifts with you to church on Christmas Day.

Thank you

We would like to express our sincere thanks to King Tree Services LTD for the very kind donation of our magnificent Christmas Tree in St. Patricks Church, Powerscourt. 


Thank you to everyone who prepared Kilbride Church for the carol service on the 15th December and who brought along refreshments for the tea/coffee after the service.  Thank you to the parishioners who read lessons at the Carol Service.

In advance thank you to everyone who provided flowers/foliage and helped decorate and clean the church on the 21st December in preparation for the Christmas festival.  

Next meeting of Kilbride Vestry is on 29th January 2020.

Wishing all parishioners of Kilbride and Powerscourt a very Happy Christmas and a happy and healthy New year.

Submitted by Georgina Masterson

SUNDAY COFFEE LIST contact Joyce Roe 2862645 or Marjorie Mold 087 6472668.

Sunday December 29th 2019 Marjorie Mold
Sunday January 5th 2020 Hugh and Ann Mahon

CHARABANC NOTES contact Marjorie Mold on 2083499.

We closed on Friday 13th for the Christmas break till January 10th at our usual time of 2,30 till 4, 30 (weather permitting)

We thank Jacky, Judy   and the choir for the  wonderful carols, we were sad that so many  of our regular members were unwell on the day ,we wish you well  in time for Christmas

We send our thanks to Jenny Bolger who once again presented each member with a hamper of Festive goodies.   Those who were unable to come received their hampers during the weekend We all agree that this was truly very kind of Jenny and very much appreciated.

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone   See you in the new year.          Submitted by Marjorie Mold

FLOWER GUILD contact Marjorie Mold (01) 2863499

We will prepare the church for Christmas on Saturday 21st starting at 10am so if you would like to come and along you will be most welcome

A new flower list will be prepared in the coming months and if anyone would like to have memorial flowers on any Sunday, we will be delighted to hear from you, it usually takes about 3 or 4 bunches of flowers and some greens.  We can prepare them for you or if you prefer it you may like to arrange them yourself.

Also, if there are any bride and grooms out there who would like us to prepare wedding flowers, we will be delighted to hear from you.  We supply our own greenery and buy in the flowers and as our work is voluntary, we can offer a very low price and still make a little profit which we save in our fund till we have enough to do something useful round the church.  We have used all our income to finance things like the new cushions on the pews and the Lytch gate which makes a good focal point to join the car park with the church grounds.                                               

PASTORAL CARE contact Joyce Roe 2862645 or Marjorie Mold 2863499.

We are very saddened by the loss of David Sykes and Norman Cross and send our deepest sympathy to both their families

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who are unwell at the moment.       Submitted by Marjorie Mold.

Parochial Hall Organisations

Parochial Hall Organisations – Bookings Marjory Dalton 086 160 1721
Monday Brownies 5.45 – 7.00 Betty Prender 087 6860260
  Table Tennis 8.00 – 10.00 Joyce Roe 086 8191209
Tuesday Zumba Gold 09.30 – 10.30 Susan O’Brien 087 2449875
  Zumba 09.30 – 10.30 Susan O’Brien 087 2449875
  Bridge Club 7.30 – 10.30 Vonny Kelly 086 7956355
Wednesday League of Health 10.00 – 12.00 Carol MacNeaney 01 2824463
  Lego Club 2.30 – 4.30 Karl Quinn 089 2544784
  Gardening Club 8.00 – 10.00 Ethni Seymour 086 8092211
  Tai Chi (2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Wednesday) 7.30 – 9.00 David Marshall 087 2072792
Thursday Parents & Tots 09.30 – 11.00 Carol Bird 01 2767807
  Entertainments Committee 8.00 – 9.30 Joyce Roe 086 8191209
  Yoga 7.00 – 8.15 Mel 086 2210567
Friday Charabanc 2.30 – 4.30 Marjorie Mold 01 2863499
Saturday Irish Dancing 10.15 – 12.15 Breeda Finnerty 087 4198988
  Sunday Local Crafts 10.00 – 6.00 Ray Cranley 086 0779514


Our next News from the Pews will be issued on January 10th 2020.

We would welcome news or articles on events or stories you may have and wish to share with the community.  If you would like to be included in this Newsletter please contact Mandy Berkeley, School and Parish Secretary, at (01) 2863862.